Friday 10 May 2013

Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Completed film trailer.

After conducting our focus group we decided to re-evaluate our trailer and make some improvements that were suggested during the discussion. We added a establishing at the beginning to give the audience a sense of the characters location, as well as taking out shots 5 and 6 as we believe the story flowed better without. As a group we collectively decided to add a low boom after each new scene at the beginning to suggest to the audience that there is an element of terror. These changes has helped to strengthen our trailer by making it appear more professional.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Final magazine cover and analysis.

This is the final version of my film magazine cover, I used the conventional colours that are used on a film magazine to promote a psychological thriller. the colour yellow was used to make certain texts stand out on the page, I believe the main image represent the darker side of the character Emily well as she looks emotionless and detached from her actions. I decided to use the standard layout of a cover as it works best with the image and doesn't over confuse it. The font I chose is clear and I made sure I didn't add to much information that would bore the reader and make them want more. I am happy with the overall result as it looks like a realistic and professional film magazine cover.

Focus group evaluation.

We held our focus group on Thursday 18th April in the lunchtime. We got together 9 people, 4 girls and 5 boys between the ages of 15-25 (the same ages of our target audience) to watch our trailer and answer our questionnaire based on what we thought. the response we received was good as everyone got the target audience and genre correct, We were pleased that everyone said different people to who they thought the villain was, which is what we hoped would happen.
It also helped us to know what improvements needed to be made such as the soundtrack and some shots. I believe that the focus group was a success as it showed that our trailer was effective and helped to us to get an outsiders view on what could be done to improve it further.