Monday 8 October 2012

My group discussion

This discussion is where we shared all our ideas about what we believed what be a good film plot. Lucy's idea was a psychological thriller about a mental institution where they became trapped and one by one were killed off until the final character realised that he had become mentally ill and never escapes from there, although this was a good idea we had trouble of thinking of a location where we could film it.
Garin ideas were another psychological thriller about a brother who suffers from schizophrenia who enjoys playing hide and seek with his little sister. They order a take away one night while their parents but the delivery man also suffers from schizophrenia and basically sneaks into the house and begins having a break down, he starts playing a twisted version of hide and seek by killing her brother and chasing her around the house while she panics for her life. The ending is that he realises that it's his schizophrenia that is making him do this and that it was wrong, he gets put in a mental institution for life. The issue with this was that we didn’t have access to the actors/actresses who were those ages.
My story was where a group of friends who go camping but doesn’t realise that there is a curse in those woods of a little psychotic girl who murdered her family and died there. She apparently still haunts the woods looking for new victims, one by one the teens gets killed off until there are two characters left, however the twist is that they get arrested by the police for the murders and when they try to explain the story the police treat them as being mentally ill and are section to a mental institution. The problem with this plot is that it is stereotypical to other thrillers and is not very original.
The conclusion that we came up with is to incorporate as much of each other’s plot as possible, using my location of the woods as it is easy to access, there would be a group of friends but the main girl has undiagnosed schizophrenia and flips out by attacking her friends, and we finally agreed that there should be a lot of chase scenes to increase the intensity of the trailer.

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