Sunday 11 November 2012

Changes made to our film trailer plot:-

•We added the over the shoulder shot of the Facebook event showing the details of the camping, as we believed it would be a good technique to show in the trailer as it will only be a couple of seconds but will set up the narrative of the plot.

•We decided to change the main male characters name from Garin to Jack as we believed that Jack would fit better in with the plot and is a more suitable name for the character.

 •We have also cut quite a few killing scenes from the film trailer as we didn’t want to give away too much of the plot and still wanted to leave some of the mystery so that the viewers would want to see the full film.

 •We added more scenes to emphasise Emily's jealousy towards Jack and Amy's relationship, so that the audience become more attached to Emily’s character as they feel sorry for her.

 •Added more shots of Emily being possessed as before the audience could've been confused as to whether she was being possessed or had just gone crazy over jealously so we thought this would clarify the story a bit more for the audience to be able to understand.

 •We changed the order of the scenes as we had to choose particular scenes for the trailer that would entice the audience in and make it look the most interesting as possible, for example we left the scene about the curse until the end instead of at the beginning as it created more of a code of enigma , we edited more of the action scenes together as it shows the audience some of the climax's throughout the film.

•We finally came up with the film name which is "Deprived" we thought this was a suitable name as it reflected the way that Emily feels, as she believes that she is being deprived of her brothers attention and highlights how lonely she feels, therefore in return she deprives others of their life.

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