Tuesday 4 December 2012

Overview of our film trailer so far.

The generic conventions of our genre which is a psychological thriller are:

•Everything is usually dark.

•Creepy girl who scares/intimidates the teen characters.

•Dim-witted, promiscuous blonde girl who never survives.

•Creepy adult who scares other characters

•Attractive male who’s brave and would risk his own life to save others.

•A struggle of good against evil.

•Evil forces

With these in mind we linked into ours:

• A creepy girl who attacks the other teens.

•She is possessed by an evil force

•The location that we are using is a dark scary wood, as we thought that this fit nicely in with our chosen genre.

The definition of a psychological thriller is a specific sub-genre of the wide-ranging thriller genre. However this genre often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genre into the typical traits of the thriller genre.

Our USP is the fact that the little sister turns out to be the villain, this goes against stereotypes as she seems to be caring and sweet like a child should be.

The re-occurring that is consistent throughout our trailer is the strange alien like sounds that occur before Emily attacks her victims.

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