Friday 18 January 2013

Completed Film poster.

After taking into consideration all the advice from the other students in my class and from family and friends, I have created a final copy of my film poster using the points for improvement. I added the reflection in the eye and coloured the background in black, this helps to make the main image and title stand out more. We also came up with a tagline ‘Jealousy is the grave of attention’ we decided to use this as it reflects our plot well and reveals the obsessive relationship that the sister has with her brother and how jealous she gets if he gives someone else attention, with this is mind we thought this tagline gave the audience a good insight into our film trailer plot.

Summary of the improvements needed to be made to my film poster.

After giving two of my film poster options around my media class and to friends and family they have given me some friendly criticism and advice on how I can improve them to make them look better. The majority of the people that I asked preferred option one to two as they thought that two was confusing and gave away too much of the story, here are a few bullet points on some improvements that they suggested for option 1:-
• Add a tagline.
• Possibly add some actors/actresses names at the top of the poster.
• Change the order of the tagline at film title, so that it is the first thing that the audience sees.
• Add a reflection in the girl’s eye; this will create a sense of mystery as to who that person in the reflection is? And why she is so afraid of them.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Film Poster Option 2

With this film poster I wanted to create a code of enigma, as I wanted the audience to question who the shadow is and why the girl is cowering scared in the corner from the person. Although I like the idea of the poster I believe it gives too much of the storyline away which is what I would have to change for my final poster.

Film Poster Option 1

 What I like about the idea of this film poster is that I wanted to show the emotional fear of the character to the audience and I believe this image will show it, however I need to give the tag line some thought and I hope to add film stars names to the poster to make it look like more of a conventional and realistic film poster.