Sunday 30 September 2012

Generic conventions of a psychological thriller.

Mise-en-scene: usually set in an isolated area, where there is no communication to anyone who could help them. Everything tends to be in a dark setting so you are unable to make out who or where any of the characters are.

Characters: There are two main characters in a thriller. The heroes are often men who deal with dangers in their everyday life. The villains are also typically men, with a creepy/shady sense about them. In a psychological thriller they are quite intelligent as their able to think of original ways to taunt their victims.

Themes of a psychological thriller: It’s mainly based around something that society is worried about, for example kidnapping and isolation, there also tends to be some scenes that are meant to make the audience feel uneasy for the characters such as a stalking scene. It’s likely to be shown from the victims P.O.V so you can see and feel what they’re going through.

Music: Airy sounds. They mostly use string instruments such as violins and piano to create that chilling effect.  Then when the scene is hitting its climax the music changes to a low dramatic beat to get the audiences hearts racing.


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