Sunday 30 September 2012

My individual film synopsis

GENRE: Thriller/Horror

Research: Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project

Target audience: both male and female, ages 15-30

A group of five friends aged 17-21, have just finished College and all they’ve got on their mind is where they can party to celebrate it, unfortunately all the parties that are going on don’t take their fancy. Therefore they decide to organise their own, only problem is they don’t know where to host it, until Callum suggests the old Fermwood camp grounds as it is an old disused camp site with a chilling background story of a family being murdered by their psychotic 13 year old daughter, six years ago. She was later found out to be an orphan, and feeling like her whole life was a lie, she brutally murdered both her parents as revenge, which she so deeply believed she deserved.  Both parents’ bodies were found almost unrecognisable. The daughter supposedly committed suicide in those woods as she couldn’t cope alone, but her body was never recovered, people say her ghost/spirit lives on in these woods taking revenge on anyone who is brave enough to enter. This story only made it more exciting for the teens, who thought it would be fun to find out for themselves if it was true or not.

 However, things take a turn for the worst when they decide to use an Ouija board to channel the dead releasing more than they hoped. When the party gets in full swing Ross and Kate realise the generator is broken, so decide to go off into the woods to find out if there is any other source in the other campsite, unfortunately as they travel further into the woods they begin hearing strange noises and what seems to be strangled screams, frightened they both head back to camp, Kate begins to panic when she realises that they are lost she screams out for help, but as she turns around she discovers that Ross has disappeared leaving behind a blood smeared flash light, terrified and confused she starts to sprint through the forest but trips over a log on the ground breaking her ankle, you see her crying on the floor before she is dragged off into the darkness by something unknown, all you are able to hear is her painful scream.

 Back at the campsite the rest of the group are enjoying the party until they hear the echoes of Kate’s agonizing screams. Callum now feeling like the alpha male rounds up the others to go find their lost friends, when Jade refuses to go after feeling uneasy about the events that have just occurred, Callum callously leaves her behind. Shortly after Callum and Sarah disappear into the woods the airy noises once again surface, Jade becomes increasing scared as the noises increase to its climax as Jade cowers the noises sharply stop leaving a chilling silence. The camera then shows a point of view shot of an evil looking girl screaming and running towards the camera before the shot goes black and once again you hear the excruciating cries from Jade. Sarah and Callum hear the screams, spooked they start running out of the forest to the nearest road but Callum gets caught by a trip wire which slices his leg, the strange noises echo through the forest again, as they give up all hope of ever escaping. Until they see a police car approach they begin to shout out for help, only to realise that the police are looking for them as there have been murders reported.

The two teens are arrested, and when they try to explain what really happened, the police treat them like they are mentally ill and both Callum and Sarah are sectioned, but separated into different hospital wards. No one ever believing them about what was lurking in that forest and who really murdered their friends, until it happens again!

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