Sunday 3 February 2013

New Film Trailer Plot.

·         First shot is of the mum, Jack and Emily sat around the dinner table sat around playing a game and joking around (seems to be an average single parent family)

·         Close up of Jacks saying “yes, I won a hotel!

·         Over the shoulder of the mums face as she says “Oh that reminds I’m going on a spa weekend next week, so you’ll have to stay and look after Emily.” They respond with “Ok”

·         Cut to a close-up shot of Emily’s eye looking out of the shadows, she is cowering under the stairs, her eye suggests that she is frightened.

·         Jump cuts to a shot of Jacks arm reaching round the stairs, Emily cowers further in.

·         He then jumps out saying “Found you!”

·         She leaps into his arms and clings onto him in a strange way, she sharply exhales to show that she is relieved.

·         Fades into the living room where Emily is stroking/holding Jacks jumper (leaning against each other in a comforting and protective way)

·         His girlfriend enters the living room and as Jack gets up to give her a hug, Emily grabs hold of his Jumper.

·         When he says “Let go Emily” she reluctantly releases before looking away sad.

·         Cuts to a shot of Jack stood by the door, you can hear a drunken man outside loudly, before Jack says “Not again Dad!”

·         Cuts to a shot of Emily stood in the doorway saying “Jack who’s there?”

·         The Dad recognises her voice and shots out Emily with anger laced in his tone.

·         Her face changes to frightened as Jack says “Go” she runs and hides in her usual spot under the stairs.

·         You hear shouting from the drunken dad before he screams, “I’ll be back for you two!” and smashes a bottle.

·         Emily cries under the stairs.

·         Cuts to when the mum leaves to go on the spa weekend.

·         Jack invites his friends around.

·         Emily suggests playing hide and seek.

·         As Emily is counting it cuts to a flash back where she is cowering and pleading for her dad to stop

·         Jack heroically steps in and says “Stop dad!”

·         As she is counting down there are a variety of different shots.

·         Flash shots of:

§  Emily looking around.

§  Mirror/shadows shown

§  Door slamming behind Emily, Jack is frantically trying to get in.

§  Running scene of Amy running up the stairs.

§  Lauren and Jack stood in the kitchen behind the table as the lights flicker off.

§  Lauren finds Amy strangled in a room.

§  Two shot of Jack and Tom hiding under the table, Jack says to “shh” as they hear a loud bang.

§  Dragging shot of Tom (extreme close-up of his hands)

·         Final shot is a medium close up of Emily crying as she’s rubbing her neck, she has the same strangled marks as Amy had (unclear whether it is present time or a flashback.)




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