Saturday 2 February 2013

Textual analysis of completed film poster.

1)      The title ‘Deprived’ suggests that someone is being deprived of something either love or attention.

2)      The main image is of a young girl hiding her face with her hands; she is peaking through the one hand and in the eye you are able to make out a reflection of someone or something and the fact that her eye is widened suggests that she is scared of the person in her reflection. It leaves the mystery of who the person is and what they’ve done to make her so terrified.

3)      The poster suggests that the genre of this film is a horror/psychological thriller; this is shown by the use of colour scheme (black, red and white.) It sets up the narrative of hiding as some short of protective shelter from someone or that she is running away from the person in the reflection, the girl also looks to be the main character and victim.

4)      There are no film stars names this suggests that they are not well known, however this could work to the film maker’s advantage as it becomes less obvious who the survivors and victims will be therefore creating more suspense for the audience.

5)      The main character is shown in a close-up shot of her face, she is shown clearly and is surrounded by a background, so that she stand out more and can be seen properly, her facial features/expressions show fear, you can tell this by the petrified look spread across her eye. It is evident that she is quite young as her face remains relatively bare of make-up and her hair is style in a youthful way.

6)      The tag-line “Jealousy is the grave of attention” suggests that the attention that they crave is driven by the fact that they feel jealousy towards that person, the word ‘grave’ could show that there will be some sort of death during this film.

7)      It has a website, showing the audience that they are able to access things to do with this movie, encouraging interactivity and selling the film to their target audience, who enjoy using the internet.

8)      It offers the audience an intellectual puzzle as they are left wondering who the reflection in the eye is and why she’s afraid of it. The audience also experiences emotional pleasures toward the girl as she looks young and vulnerable and is making direct eye connect to audience making them interact with her character on a more personal level.

9)      The USP of this film poster is that there are no film stars names plastered on the cover and the main image is solely of a young girl when usually she would be accompanied by a male suggesting that she is a strong person which contradicts the way she is presented on this poster.

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